Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

go green

Go green is a new slogan that we heard and read almost everywhere and everytime. It is an effort to make us realize that our enviroment is so and very important. It is an effort to fight againts what so called the global warming. Everyday, the earth – the planet where we live and spend our life grows older and older. And the earth at nowadays is very different from, say hundreds years ago. The human beings activities seem to have made the differences. Long time ago, this earth was full fresh air. Wherever the human beings went, they only breathed the fresh air. This of course is very different the condition of these present day. If we go the cities, say for example Makassar or even in Parepare, the fresh air hard to find. The smoke of the vehicles on the road is one that makes this condition possible. That is why, when are on the road, we will feel hotter and hotter.
What that heve described is just one of example effect of the global warming. If we want to get a more universal effect, we can imagine the effect of the global warming to earth as tha ice and the snow on the poles are melted. Do we realize that everyday, the surface of the sea and the oceans are getting higher and higher ? what does it mean ? it means that soon we will lose our land by the erosion. We will live on water. Are we ready for that ? I don’t think so. Even to face the irregular seasons which become one of the effect the global warming, we find it difficult.
So, what can we do to save our earth ? Let me propose one solution among manyy other ones. What abaout making each individual in our area plants one single plant and takes responsibilities of the life of that plant. Then, if there are one hundred people do so, it means there will be one hundred plants. To conclude this, let’s save our earth as soon as possible. The sooner we save the earth the better our future will be. I think thats all.
T H A N K S>>>>>>>>>>>>

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