Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Inventor of the river below the sea to Islam

If you include people who enjoy watching the Discovery Channel `TV 'must have known Mr. Jacques Yves Costeau, he was an expert diving Oceanografer and leading experts from France. The man, white-haired old man who was throughout his life diving into the ocean floor around the world and make a documentary about the natural beauty of the ocean floor to watch the whole world.

One day while exploring the underwater world, suddenly Captain Jacques Yves Costeau met several groups of fresh water, which is very delicious fresh taste that is not mixed / not blend with the salty sea water around him, as if there are no walls or limiting membrane of both.

Strange phenomenon unnerve Mr. Costeau and encouraged him to find out the cause of the separation of fresh water from salt water in the middle of the ocean. He began to think, lest it only halusinansi or khalayan when diving. Any time passed after the incident, but he never got a satisfactory answer about the strange phenomenon.

Until one day he met a Muslim professor, then he was told it was an odd phenomenon. Professor was reminded of verses of the Quran about the meeting of two oceans (the letter-Rahman Ar verses 19-20) is often identified with the Suez Canal. The verse reads "Marajal Bahraini yaltaqiyaan, bainahumaa barzakhun laayabghiyaan ..." Translation: "He let the two seas that they later met, among them is that they do not transgress limits of each." Then read the letter of Al Furqan verse 53 above.

In addition, in some book of interpretation, the verse about the meeting of two seas but no water mixture is defined as the location of the river mouth, where a meeting between fresh water from rivers and saltwater from the sea. But that interpretation does not explain the following verse from the letter of the Ar-Rahman verse 22 which reads "minhuma Lu'lu Yakhruju wal marjaan` u "means" Out of them come Pearls and Coral. "Yet at the mouth of the river is not found pearls.

Mr. Terpesonalah. Costeau hear the verses of the Qur'an that, beyond admiration to see the magic scenery ever seen in the deep ocean. The Qur'an is impossible compiled by Muhammad, who lived in the seventh century, an era when there was no sophisticated diving equipment to reach remote locations in the depths of distant oceans.

It's really a miracle, the news of the strange phenomenon of the past 14 centuries ultimately proved the 20th century. Mr. Costeau would say that the Qur'an is true scripture containing the word of God, that all abortion is absolutely right. He immediately embraced Islam.

Subhanallah ... Mr. Costeau get guidance through the phenomenon of marine technology. Truthful Almighty Allah. Shadaqallahu Al `Azhim. Messenger s.a.w. said:

"Surely the human heart as it will rust the iron dikaratkan by water." If one asks, "Is how to make this carefully clean again?" Messenger of Allah He said, "Always remember the dead and read the Koran."

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